# Eli McRae I'm a hacker person that sometimes does cool things. Hacker, husband, and father of 4 (2 human, 2 dogs). Veteran and occasional entrepreneur. I have worked in automation, security, development, infrastructure orchestration, training, network and software administration, and support. Full-stack IT FTW. Currently, I work as a penetration tester for a shipping and logistics firm. Previously, I worked as a trainer on behalf of the Arkansas Dept. of Education where taught both Cybersecurity and Computer Science concepts to public school teachers all across Arkansas (under previous governor. not the current one...) See more about that here -> https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/ar-comp-sci-initiative Remember kids, hacking is more than the bad actions of bad actors. https://www.hackingisnotacrime.org/conduct <center> <a href='http://shyft.us/oscp'> <img src='https://api.accredible.com/v1/frontend/credential_website_embed_image/badge/68683617'> </a> <a href='https://www.credly.com/badges/4e57ad81-874a-4452-b552-400cf2b7c66e'> <img src='https://images.credly.com/size/340x340/images/d8acded5-3919-42fc-bae3-b9157cb427e8/image.png' width=200 height=200> </a> <a href='https://www.credly.com/badges/3d53971f-1369-41fd-8433-353747174b1e'> <img src='https://images.credly.com/size/340x340/images/ff692b5b-67a7-40f9-b8c9-8eb6308f4f53/image.png' width=200 height=200> </a> <a href='https://www.credly.com/badges/5f17b64c-9d1d-4d31-920a-e20b211c909f'> <img src='https://images.credly.com/size/340x340/images/d8411e62-34cb-4cc1-b8a0-56b842e8090b/image.png' width=200 height=200> </a> <img src='https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Python-logo-notext.svg/2000px-Python-logo-notext.svg.png' width=150px height=150px> > everything. </center> ## Vitals <i data-feather='twitter'></i> - https://twitter.com/@earcmile <i data-feather='linkedin'></i> - https://linkedin.com/in/eli-mcrae <i data-feather='github'></i> - https://github.com/ShyftXero <i data-feather='message-square'></i> - https://shyft.us/posts/?sort=time&order=desc <i data-feather='dollar-sign'></i> - https://www.fiverr.com/elimcrae/write-good-modern-python3-code-for-you --- ## Current Projects - ### Shell On The Border 2023 - Organizer - https://ShellOnTheBorder.com - BYOCTF Framework development (https://byoctf.com) --- ## Groups I am affiliated with. - ### Arkansas Hackers Discord - https://krime.life - redirects to the discord server - ### fs2600 - Fort Smith - https://fs2600.net - fs2600 site - 7pm on first Friday of the month - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ia8hh4mgsr6otp3/AAAXAaPdzm2OYhFxCRncO8qGa?dl=0 - fs2600 meeting archive (way old) - ### Fab Lab Fort Smith - Makerspace - https://fablabfortsmith.org/ - ### Central Arkansas Hackers - Little Rock - https://www.meetup.com/Central-Arkansas-Hackers/ - ### ArkanSec - Northwest Arkansas hacker meetup - https://arkansec.com - ### Spa City Cyber - Hot Springs - https://www.meetup.com/spa-city-cyber --- ## Tools <br> Help people circumvent censorship with Tor Snowflake; Toggle the button and leave this tab open. https://support.torproject.org/censorship/#what-is-snowflake <center><iframe src="https://snowflake.torproject.org/embed.html" width="320" height="240" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></center> CyberChef - https://shyft.us/chef Secret sharing tool - https://shyft.us/sss.html ---